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High School Parent
ParentsHigh School: The learning period between Middle School and College. You made it through the troubling times of Middle School and now you must face the challenges of High School. High School students are a challenging lot. They are wanting to be full adults but don't have the maturity and knowledge necessary for success in this complex world. During this time they will fill their house with new furniture as they bring in new ideas and viewpoint that at times can be confusing and frustrating. Be there for them, talk to them and try to understanding the rapid changes that will come.
Parental Resources
Educational Info Index
Online Books

Parenting: What Really Counts?

Practical Wisdom for Parents: Raising Self-Confident Children ...

Raising Great Kids for Parents of Preschoolers....

The Mother of All Parenting Books: The Ultimate Guide to Raising


Raising Your Child: The Complete Illustrated Guide: A Parenting Timeline of ...

Online Resources
Does Parent Involvement Really Help Students? Here's ...
Harvard's Ronald Ferguson explores how to raise successful ...
The influence of parenting style on academic achievement ...
Parental Involvement as a Important Factor for Successful ...
Making the Most of Parents' Time at School
Authoritative parenting stimulates academic achievement ...
Parenting a Teen: Navigating High School
Advice and Tips
1. This is the stage in your child in which he or she has to make decisions that will affect him or her for the rest of their lives. Bear in mind that what they say or do today maybe different than what they say or do tomorrow.
2. Be there for them for this is a time inwhich emotions can run wild so be patient.
3. Watch for changes in friends, patterns of behavior, clothing, hygiene and activities, they are all outward signs in what is going on inside their minds.
Parenta Educational Information Index
Parental Educational Information Index
4. Set reasonable rules, restrictions and expectations. They thrive on understanding where their place is in the family.
5. Don't let modern technology or social networking dominate their lives.
6. Work with them on the dreams and hopes for what they are to do after graduation. Not all students are meant to go to college. Some really want to work with their hands and minds outside of a college or university,.
7. Information and advice on child care, preschool, tutors, cheating, parent conferences, guidance, homework, library, testing, report cards, discipline, summer camp, advice, first day, security, cafeteria, transportation, tutors, and vacationing, (Click Here) .
High School Parenting
Little Known Facts
35 Fun facts about back to school craziness! - Blue Water Credit
18 Fun Facts About Schools Around The World
10 Ways to Help Your Teen Succeed in High School - Kids ...
31 Surprising Facts About Learning - TeachThought
10 Facts Every Parent Should Know about Their Teen's Brain
Getting Parents Involved in Schools | Reading Rockets
What Teachers Wish Parents of High Schoolers Knew - Parent ...