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Homework: Pros and Cons
Students not doing their homework? 2 helpful tips for teachers!
When is Homework Helpful? | Sara Kutscher
Homework Or No Homework? What Educators Are Saying
Rethinking Homework: Best Practices That Support Diverse Needs
Homework Made Simple: Tips, Tools, and Solutions for ..
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The Classroom

Homework Teacher Advice
TeachersHomework: School work assigned by a teacher that is designed to reinforce work done in the classroom. Never give homework as a punishment, it should always be a reinforcement of what is covered in the classroom, a tool to teach research skills and preparation for a quiz or test.
Online Books

Homework Education A Powerful Tool Of Learning

The Case Against Homework: How Homework is Hurting Our Children and what We ...

Rethinking Homework: Best Practices that Support Diverse Needs
Taking the Stress Out of Homework: Organizational, ...
Helping Your Students with Homework: A Guide for Teachers
Homework Talk!: The Art of Effective Communication About ..
The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing
Class Resources
Online Resources
Wikipedia Education World School Matters Blog
Scholastic Worksheet Library School of Educators
Teacher Vision Priceless Strategies Partnership Schools
Helping your Students with Homework a Guide For Teachers
20+ creative alternative homework ideas for teachers
Creative Homework Ideas For Your Students
5 Most Creative Homework Assignments
13 Fun Homework Ideas: The Best Ways To Make ...
Alternative Homework Ideas for Elementary Students
Teaching Strategies
Teaching Strategies
1. Homework should not be a substitute for instruction or as punishment, but only used as a reinforcement or preparation for your current topics of study.
2. Make the topic relevant to what is being studied.
3. Keep the work on the level of your students.
4. Unless it is a long range project limit the estimate time of completion to one hour.
5. Never issue homework as punishment.
Methods and Theories 
 Methods and Theories
6. Explain what is expected of the student clearly in both oral and written form.
7. In both written and oral form explain to parents what is expected of them in helping the student with their homework.
8. Don't use other teacher's assignment unless you have reviewed the work for consistency, accuracy and relevance.
9. Follow the state and county guidelines when assigning the homework.
10. If possible try to avoid assigning homework during holidays and weekends
11. Try to maintain the 10 minute rule (authorized by the PTA and NEA) which states that the maximum amount of  homework should be no more than 10 minutes per night for each grade level.