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Blog Business

Economics: the method by which people allocate scarce resources, transfer wealth and make a living, along with producing goods and services.
Here You can find the many types of Economics Southern New Hampshire University
Last Updated 7/7/2024
Economic Systems
Economic Systems
The Babylonians and their nearby kingdoms developed the first idea of money, the Lydians in about 700 BC created the first coins. The Mesopotamian Shekel was the first form of currency. Many times trade was the exchanging of goods, livestock and sometime people or land. Modern economic systems involve major corporations, small, medium and large business, all dealing with supplying individuals, governments and military necessary and vital goods and services. Unfortunately what  business has today developed into a system where the customer is secondary and the bottom line of profit has taken center stage. Corners have been cut, workers have been eliminated, cashers are becoming endangered species and prices are increasing at a rapid rate. 
My Views 
1. Trying to find a product  or getting help with a defective product has become a formable task.
2. Products, either online or in store, are often of poor quality, in short supply, inadequate or expensive.
3. Store personal are many times, rude or have very little knowledge of their companies products.   
4. Stores are relegating the acquisition of products and services to AI, their web site, Amazon or other internet providers. Thus the customer has no method of judging the quality of the product/service and limiting the resolution of any issues.
5. Services (including home repair) are often hard to find, of poor quality, inadequate, or expensive.
6. Out sourcing of customer service to texting, emailing, AI, foreign nationals, chatting on line are in many instances difficult of poor quality or non existent.
7. Rapid increase in merger accusations of business and services has contributed to limiting supplies, products and increases in prices.
8. Governments are taking little or no actions preventing mergers and price gauging.
9. Conmen (and women), scammers, pseudo experts and thieves are filling in where business have withdrawn or limited themselves from the market place. 
10. We need to in improve supply, discourage mergers and price gauging. Develop a system in which the customer becomes the primary in economic development.