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The Classroom does not claim
all descriptions of sites to be their own words.
The Classroom makes no promises or representations about the gadgets on
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Science: the systematic
study that organizes knowledge by testable
explanations and predictions of our universe. Below
are the resources to help a teacher instill, in
their students, the skills necessary for success.
This website features
science projects and experiments you could
easily do at home. It also features science news
for kids, free printable and worksheets with a
focus on the earth sciences and the scientific
Georgia Tech NASA ePDN Electronic Professional
Developent Network Free online professional development courses for
STEM teachers - we have courses in the areas of
robotics, project-based inquiry learning, and
statistics and technology integration. Those that
complete the courses will get continuing education
units (CEUs) that they can use towards their state's
re-certification requirements (assuming they got
prior approval that the CEUs would transfer). No
sort of degree credit is given for the courses.The courses are between two and six weeks long,
depending on the course. They are 100% online so
teachers need to have access to a dedicated computer
that has a good internet connection, usually a home
computer is best due to firewalls and restricted
access on school computers. Besides a computer, only
the Robotics course really requires any outside
materials - a LEGO NXT Mindstorm kit.