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Violence Against Teachers
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Timeline: The Deadliest Mass Shootings in The US
This is Every Mass Shooting in The US Since 1949
Washington Post There is One Sure  Answer To The Problem of Mass Shootings
11 Essential Facts About Guns and Mass Shootings in America
What Students Think About School Shootings
The Deadliest School Shooting in Modern American History
AXIOS National Epidemic of School Shootings
Facts and Figures - UC Davis Health
Active Shooter Resources-FBI
Gun Violence - Amnesty International
America's gun violence rates, in 16 maps and charts - Vox
Statistics  Data
Mother Jones
Campus Safety
America's Gun Culture Charts
HIH Mass
Education Week
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Everytown Research & Policy
The Violence Project
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Security Mass Shootings and Violence
Articles Books Videos
Security: "the process of protecting ourselves, families and properties. Today's world has become more and more a place where we must be vigilante to our safety in our schools, homes and businesses".
Mass Shootings:
 Definition: From Wikipedia "

There is a lack of consensus on how to define a mass shooting. Most terms define a minimum of three or four victims of gun violence (not including the shooter) in a short period of time, although an Australian study from 2006 prescribed a minimum of five; and added a requirement that the victims actually died as opposed to being shot and injured but not necessarily killed.

In the United States, the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012 defines mass killings as three or more killings in a single incident, however the Act does not define mass shootings. Media outlets such as CNN and some crime violence research groups such as the Gun Violence Archive define mass shootings as involving "four or more shot (injured or killed) in a single incident, at the same general time and location, not including the shooter". Sometimes shootings involving three or more victims occur in non-public situations such as when one member of a family shoots all the other members in the family home. These killings are known as familicides and are not included in mass shooting statistics.

The motive for mass shootings (which occur in public situations) is a defining feature in that they are usually committed by deeply disgruntled individuals seeking revenge or payback for failures in school, career, romance and life in general. If multiple people are shot in a robbery or killed in a terrorist attack, these deaths are also not included under the definition of mass shootings."

Security Crime Guidance
Security Crime Guidance
Say Something a youth violence prevention program is focused on preventing gun violence (and other forms of violence and victimization) BEFORE it happens by attracting, educating and mobilizing youth and adults to identify, intervene and get help for individuals who may be at-risk of hurting themselves or others.
Classroom Shooting
Mass Shootings
School Violence
School Violence
Gun Control
Gun Control
Online Books
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Gun Violence: The Real Costs
Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters
Active Shooter Events and Response
School Shooters: Understanding High School, College, and Adult ...
The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic
Stop the Killing: How to End the Mass Shooting Crisis
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Mass Shootings in America
From a Taller Tower: The Rise of the American Mass Shooter
Trigger Points: Inside the Mission to Stop Mass Shootings in ...
Mass Shootings in Central and Eastern Europe
Critical Mass: Understanding and Fixing the Social Roots of ...
Online Articles 
Gunfire in School Grounds by EveryTown 
Mass shootings and the media: Why all events are not created equal 
Mass shootings and mental health policy 
Mass shootings in the United States 
Google Scholarly Articles and Books 
How To Protect Yourself in a Mass Shooting 
For Today's Teens, School Shootings Are Common 
The normalization of America’s school shootings, in one chart 
What have we learned from the time trend of mass shootings in the US? 
Responding to violence with guns: Mass shootings and gun acquisition 
Extreme risk protection orders intended to prevent: mass shootings a case series 
6 Things to Know about Mass Shootings in America - Scientific American 
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Organizations that Fight School Violence
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School Shootings and Student Mental Health - American ..
Gun Violence: Facts and Statistics
Fatal school shootings and the epidemiological context - NCBI