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Social Media and Networking

Social Networking: the use of Facebook, Twitter (X) and other internet based sites to communicate and interact with friends, family and other individuals. Lately many of the platforms have been used by both foreign and domestic individuals to influence political and social issues. According to NPR a recent study found that excessive time on electronic equipment (PC, Max, Smart Phones etc) can cause Myopia! Keep this in mind when your children use their units.  We at The Classroom take the rise in malicious attacks on the internet, if at any time on this page or any page a link has been corrupted please Contact Us!
Misinformation and Disinformation
Misinformation Disinformation
Computer Science
Computer Science
Cyber Warfare
Cyber Warfare
Articles Books Videos
Articles Books Videos
Online Books
Organizations and Social Networking: Utilizing Social Media ...
Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL: Insights from a Connected World
The Truth about Profiting from Social Networking
Handbook of Social Network Technologies and Applications
Social Networking and Social Media Safety
Social Media and Networking: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Encyclopedia Of Social Media and Politics
Social Media in Politics
Online Articles and Resources
APA Health advisory on social media use in adolescence
Political Power of Social Media
Adweek Digital Power of Social Media and political change
Scholarly Articles on Social Networking
Socialnomics Statistics show social media is bigger than you think
Socialnetworking Pro Con Is Social Media Good For Society
Internetsafety101 Information
Lifespan Social Media good bad and ugly
Pewresearch fact sheet on social media
Tech Wonders Basic pros and cons of Social Media
Turbofuture The Dangers of Social Networking Why you need to be careful
Internetsafety101 Dangers of Social Web
Care 5 dangers of social media to discuss with kids and teens
New Social Learning Blog dangers of social media for youth
FBI Internet Social Networking Risks
Chron advantages social network sites
Kidshealth Social Media Smarts
Maryville College social media safety guide parents
Advice Students
1. Pictures, messages and posts that are inappropriate can damage your reputation. They can have an affect long after they are posted.
2. Tagging a picture can violate your friend's privacy.
3. Beware of what information your post and who you friend. Often those on the other end of your computer are not who they claim to be.
4. Limit your personal information. This information can be used by marketers and unscrupulous individuals to do you harm.
5. Privacy cannot be guaranteed. Anyone can cut, alter, paste and use pictures, data and information from your site.
6. Beware of those who: want you to keep a secret, ask for personal information, make you feel guilty, want you to buy something, ask you to go to inappropriate sites, ask you to post  inappropriate pictures or information, ask what you are wearing, try to bully you, claim to be you friend when you don't know them, ask you about your lifestyle and schedules.
7. Talk to your parents if you are asked for information and or money for gifts or a meetings.
8. Never under any circumstances give out any username or password.
9. If you feel you cannot handle the demands and use of social network sites just delete your account.
Advice Parents and Teachers
1. Monitor the child's use of networking and the service they are using. Don't be afraid to ask them what they are saying, posting and friending.
2. Encourage the child to discuss with you if they feel someone is creating an atmosphere of anxiety or fear. Be the loving parent or teacher and stress that they are not in trouble and you are only interested in working with them to overcome their concerns.
3. You set the rules for use such as time, content, and location of the computer. Don't allow them to express emotions, use their full names or their friend's full names, school locations, address, age, sex, schedules and any other personal information that can be used by cyber predators.
4. Know your child's password and username, don't be afraid to monitor the pages. If you see anything inappropriate or dangerous discuss it with them and if necessary delete the page and contact the authorities.
5. Most social networks require an age limit. If you see the child using an inappropriate site, delete the site.
6. Teachers, if you see a child using social network ask them to stop using it during class. If they refuse follow the school policy about the use of tablets, smartphones and computers. Don't make it confrontational.
7. Stress that child never under any circumstances meet and communicate with someone they don't know.
8. Discuss Cyberbulling and let them know that you are the person they can come to if this is happening. Teachers and parents should be the first line of defense in this growing problem
9. If your child refuses to abide by your rules. Don't be hesitant to delete their account and establish safeguards to prevent them from reestablishing an account.. Some internet-filtering tools  can be used but not replace your supervision.
10. Always be vigilant to the dangers of Social Media and your children!
Social Media
Facts and Effects of Social Media
Social Media and Mental Health -
6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health - Forbes
Is social media bad for you? The evidence and the unknowns
How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers - Child Mind Institute
Is social media bad for teens' mental health? | UNICEF
The Negative Effects of Social Media for Teens | SmartSocial ...
Six ways social media negatively affects your mental health
10 Facts You Didn't Know about Social Media and Your ...