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equipment breakdown for many reasons. Sometimes the
manufacturers are at fault, sometimes parts wear
out, the owner can also fail to take the proper
steps to insure that the equipment is wall
maintained or protected. For what ever reason you
are experiencing this situation, a remedy can be
costly and time consuming. Hear are some tips: 1.
Check the equipment immediately after you buy it. If
it does not work properly return it! 2. Always
maintain the integrity of the equipment. They are in
most cases very sensitive and are not toys. 3. If
it is not working properly take it to a qualified
repairman who is trained, certified and experienced.
4. Check out the equipment when you get home to
insure that the work was done properly. If not take
it back. 5. Be mindful that sometimes it is
advantageous to buy new equipment rather that pay a
high cost of repair. 6. Some parts must be
shipped in from Japan or China so expect some
delays. 7. Shop around not all repair technicians
are equal in price or quality.