exercises to improve your mind and
expand your ability to solve all sorts
of puzzles and problems. If you are a
teacher you might want print the
individual puzzles out
and use it as a fun or review activity. To use the
Teaser is simple. Each image below
represents a topic, subject and or word puzzle.
First click on the image and or title.
It will open that type of word or
subject puzzle. Each worksheet has a series
squares. Within each square is a clue to
a person, place, event, date, number or
definition. To the left is an
alphabetical column and on the top is a
numerical row. Have the students on
paper list the number and letter with
the correct answer. For example the first two
puzzles below are on their worksheet and
translate to "man over board" and "ring
around the Rosie". After you
they work on the puzzle will be easy to
evaluate their answers. To see what they got
right click on the link bottom of each page.
History is fluid and new discoveries are
constantly being made. If you discover
an answer that has changed please
Contact Us
Some graphics
reproduced using Print Shop Deluxe,
Broderbund Software, Inc. All Rights
Reserved used by permission. The Classroom
does not claim all descriptions of sites to
be their own words.