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High School Teacher Worksheets
TeachersHigh School (Secondary): the period of time after Middle School from 9th through 12th grade.
A teacher worksheet is a tool used by educators to reinforce the lectures, videos and textbooks in the instructional process. Worksheets are provided by the publisher, found on the internet and created by the teacher. They often contain some of the same question forms of a test (fill in the blanks, essay questions and true or false) along with maps, charts and graphs. In mathematics they are exercises for the required material. View our
tips below in creating a worksheet.
 Secondary Teachers
 Secondary Teachers
 Class Resources
 Advice How to Teach
Online Books
Teacher's Guide Classroom Worksheets The Unteachables
The Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Designing and Teaching ...
Teaching and Learning with Multimedia
Teacher Geek: Because life's too short for worksheets
The Art and Design Teacher's Handbook - Page 142
Online Printable Worksheets
Edhelper Teachnology Homeschool
Topmarks ThoughtCo Teachervision SuperTeacher
Online Resources and Advice
Bright Hub SuperTeacher ABCTEACH
Busy Teacher Teacher Corner
Worksheets Library Teaching Tips
1. The worksheet must be relevant to the subject matter and cover what you have discussed in the classroom.
2. All answers must be found in the materials provided.
3. The level must match the age and understanding of the student.
4. All material must be clear and easy to understand.
5. Read the worksheet and try it yourself before you use it in the classroom
6. Check the sheet for any typos, grammatical errors and inconsistent information.
7. Put the objective at the head of the paper.
8. Make sure the instructions are complete and easy to understand.
9. Use the Internet to provide answers that may not be provided in the textbook. 
10. Provide space for the student to use creativity and analysis for any information.