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Related Subjects and Pages
European History
Native American History
Spanish American War
Mexican American War
Glossary  Terms
Online Videos Monroe Doctrine
Imperialism: Crash Course World History #35
American Imperialism: Crash Course US History #28
The Spanish American War: Explained (Short Animated Documentary)
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Western Hemisphere Imperialism
During the 19th Century the Western Hemisphere the United States using the Monroe Doctrine fought to maintain its influence and control of the western hemisphere. Europe fought to maintain and expand their control while facing the United States.
Online Books
Cambridge Library Collection
Imperialism and Popular Culture
Imperialism: A  Study by John Atkinson Hobson


Imperialism: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies
Imperialism and its Contradictions
Imperialism and Expansionism in American History
Colin Palmer's Trilogy on Imperialism in the Caribean
U.S. Imperialism in Latin America: Bryan's Challenges
No Higher Law: American Foreign Policy and the Western
American History 
American History
Online Resources
American imperialism - Wikipedia
Monroe Doctrine - Definition, Purpose & Significance - HISTORY
Imperialism in Latin America Spanish-American War Mexico Civil War
American Imperialism The United States Becomes a World Power (1890-1920)
Western colonialism - European expansion since 1763
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
World History
World History
American Imperialism in Latin America & the Caribbean
World Sees 'Imperialism' in American Reach, Strength : NPR
Yes, the US had an empire – and in the Virgin Islands, it still 
Adam Burns, American Imperialism: The Territorial Expansion of the United States, 1783-2013
Imperialism: Classic Imperialism | Infoplease
America Becomes a World Power - Digital History
United States Imperialism  in the Americas: Causes Timeline
Latin American History
 Latin American History
American Imperialism
Teacher Oz Western State Roosevelt Corollary
PBS Experience American History Monroe Doctrine
US Imperialism American Empire Roosevelt Corollary  
Monroe Doctrine
European Imperialism
Haiti Britannica History Haven InfoPlease Belize
Haitian Revolution The Sugar Revolutions
European History Online
Little Known Facts
American Imperialism | Boundless US History
American imperialism Facts for Kids
The History Of American Imperialism, From Bloody Conquest ...
How the US has hidden its empire | US news | The Guardian
The new American empire - United States - Britannica
American imperialism, then and now.
The Effects of Imperialism on the US: 1899-1902
American Empire - New World Encyclopedia