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The Classroom does not claim all descriptions of sites
to be their own words.
The Classroom makes no
promises or representations about the gadgets on
this site as to quality. content or
on how to train students on the uses of the
library.Use the library as a
source of information and resources for the
students. Work with the librarians and media
specialists to enhance your classroom activities.
If a student uses the library
improperly, stealing, damaging,
destroying materials, contact
the librarian and the parents to
discuss the issue.
Periodically set up a library
day and take the class for
staff instruction (stay with
When you send individuals to the
school library beware of their
number limits. Many librarians will
send them back if you exceed their
expectations. Also don't send them
just to get them out of your hair,
give them a task.
Instruct the students about the
seriousness of
plagiarizing sources. Teach them
the proper way of writing reports
and research papers. Furthermore
discourage them from using online
writing services!