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The Classroom
Internet Safety
SafetyBeing safe while surfing the internet.
The internet has brought a whole new world to the area of safety. Criminals, stalkers, scam artist, bullies, terrorist and others who want to do us harm are using the internet in ever increasing ways to reach our kids, steal our resources and invade our privacy.
Cyber Warfare
Cyber Warfare
Hoaxes, Scams and Urban Legends
Internet Scams/ Hoaxes
Misinformation Disinformation
Misinformation, Disinformation
Cyber Bullying
Cyber Bullying
Articles Books Videos
Internet Safety
Articles Books Videos
Online Books
Framing Internet Safety: The Governance of Youth Online
Internet Safety
Internet Safety Kids' Guide
Internet Safety Young Readers' Guide
Internet Safety Parents' Guide
i-SAFE Internet Safety Activities: Reproducible Projects...
Shame Nation: The Global Epidemic of Online Hate
Cyber Safety for Children (VIEH GROUP)
Your Kids Out of Trouble & Internet Safe
Children, Risk and Safety on the Internet: Research and ...
Internet Safety: Surfing and Using the Internet in Safety
Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens...
The Ultimate Guide to Internet Safety Second Edition
The Basics of Cyber Safety: Computer and Mobile Device ...
Common Internet Scams that Target the Elderly and How to Avoid Them
Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens...
Www. R U in Danger.Net: Are You in Danger?
Online Resources
National Fraud Information Center
FBI Fraud Complaint Center
Safe Kids: Kids Rules for Online Safety
Parents' guide to online shopping safety
A Guide To Not Getting Hacked
Internet Safety For Kids
15 Strategies Educators Can Use To Stop Cyberbullying
Wikipedia Internet Safety
What is malware and why do cybercriminals use ... - McAfe
What is Malicious Software? - Comodo Enterprise
What is Malicious Software? | PCH Technologies
Tips and Articles How Do I Know If My Computer is Infected with Malicious Software Webroote
Parent Guides to Student Texting Slang and Acronyms
The Complete List of 1697 Common Text Abbreviations & Acronyms's Complete Guide to Netspeak
Phone Scams and Hoaxes
IRS FCC Scotia Bank Microsoft BackGroundChecks
Advice for Students
1. Never give personal information, passwords, user names, pictures, addresses on the internet, phone or to people you don't know.
2. Don't meet anyone, anywhere for any reason if you don't know them.
3. If your ID says name not known, wireless caller, don't answer just let them leave a message and then block them.
4. Tell your parents if you are uncomfortable about emails, texts, tweets, personal contacts or remarks made to you or about you and your friends. Eliminate and block them from any further contact.
5. Not everyone will tell you the truth so take what they say with a grain of sand.
6. Remember that the internet can be a very dangerous place with sites that can damage your computer, individuals that can do you harm and information that can be bogus.
7.Tell school security, administration or your teacher if you have any doubt about the person on the other end of the computer.
8. Don't open emails or links from people you do not know.
9. Remember that information you put on Facebook, MySpace X or any Social Network can last forever, beware of the apps and questions being asked, they can and often are sold and given to others for political and economic gain.
10. Verify any information or request for information.
11. Be leery of Dating and Hook up Sites. What you see may not be what you get.
Advice for Parents and Teachers
1. Install an internet filter and virus detector program that are designed to protect your child and computer from the dangers of the internet.
2. Monitor your child's activities while they are on the net and after they get off the computer.
3. Set up the computer where you can see what your child is viewing, typing and hearing. Know your child's passwords and user names.
4. Talk to your child and set up rules by which they are allowed to use the internet. Take control of their use for their safety.
5. If you  find any suspicious activity on the home computer, talk to your child and then contact the school, and if necessary the police.
6. Don't be afraid to unplug the computer if you have any concerns about the activity taking place with your child.
7. If you see signs of Bullying taking place, take action immediately and talk to your child, block the senders and report their activity.
8. Contact the crimes to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) if you see or have problems with ransom ware, malware or viruses.
9. A new scam has become apparent. Don't buy a book that claims to be advice for SATs or any other college university entrance exam. A call has lately been reported of this activity.
10. Verify that the phone number on a website belongs to the person, organization you are trying to reach. Some sites are bogus, dangerous and costly.
Internet Safety
Little Known Facts
15 Facts About Internet Safety for Parents | LoveToKnow
Internet Safety for Kids & Teens: Kids Web Tips, Facts & Rules
Top 10 Internet Safety Facts for Parents - Why Internet Safety ...
Statistics - Internet Safety 101
Internet Safety Facts -
Internet Safety Basic Facts – Parent Center – Lincoln High