Conflicts and Programs in your
Computer Blog
you noticed that when Microsoft,
Google, Apple or any other program
updates you have to work to
reconfigure your computer since many
of your beloved programs and of
course your computer now will
not work properly. The reason
according to our expert is that
there are so many threats, both
internationally and within our
borders, that you can't make a
stand-alone operating system. Thus
the many programs, operating
systems, search engines and
individual sites will often conflict
and create issues.
My suggestions:
1. We create a system in which the many companies, developers
and government agencies talk to one another and let each know when an update or
new program will be available or installed, so that the other companies can
adapt their programs and systems to accommodate the coming changes. This could
lead to some issues of copyright infringement but I am sure we can come up with
a way to accommodate.
2. We change school curriculum from suggesting
Science to require them to take this class. It would include methods and
advice on how to prevent viruses, malwares, phishing emails and other threats to
a computer. Thus we would have a large cadre of citizens which could become a
wall to both prevention and a better understand what to do when an update is
issued and your beloved computer no longer works the way you want it to!
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