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Blog Common Core
Welcome to our Blog! Do you have an Idea about current education? Here is a place for you to state what is on your mind. Common Core is an educational tool of state standards that explains what students should know and be able to do within and at the end of each grade level. It does not dictate what to do but recommends what needs to be done. It is Not a federal program. The American Diploma Project started in 1996 and the National Governor's Association along with business leaders saw a great need to standardize assessment, graduation requirements, knowledge achievement, skills acquisition and classes to prepare all student for work, college and the challenges of modern life,
Common Core July 7, 2024
Common CoreThere has been some discussion, misinformation, criticism, politicization of Common Core. Some politicians want to eliminate these standards and since  students often move from state to state, city to city or county  they would either be behind or a head of their classmates. Therefore they will become frustrated and will struggle to either keep up with the work or become bored because they already covered the material. Teachers, counsels and administrators will therefore need to develop their own remedial programs to accommodate the transferees. Click here to read more about Common Core. I recommend we keep and improve these standards to insure that all students will get the best education regardless of where the move to or transfer from!