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The Classroom
Blog Lunch
Nutrition is vital to a student's success in the classroom. Consumer Science has shown the value of  well balanced meals. Students that are hungry generally have difficulty concentrating on their studies and can become irritable, restless and in some cases combative. FRAC (Food Research 7 Action Center) and the FDA Feeding the Future With Healthy Lunch Programs have articles that explain the benefits of school meals.
The opinion below are the result of my professional experiences as an: historian, webmaster, master teacher, teacher's union vice president and president, parent and grandparent.
Updated 7/7/2024
I take exception to the districts that don't recognize the need for food for all the students (regardless of income). In many cases the school, it is the primary source of food to many students. Reports are circulating that some students are being denied food because the parents can not afford to pay the lunch required fee. No student should ever grow hungry under any circumstance! My opinion is that every budget must have a provision to provide well balanced, nutritious meals (in some cases breakfast) as part of the funding.