A camera
lens (photographic
lens) is a curved piece of glass device that
when attached to either a digital or 35mm camera
that focuses the image onto either the film or the
CSMOS. Lenses come in a variety of sizes, quality
and price.
Normal-This is the
lens that most retailers sell along
with the body of the camera. The
most commonly sold are the 50 mm.
They have an f-stop range of between
f/1.2 to f/2.8. ( some are faster
but more expensive)
Wide Angle-This lens are
usually between 20 mm to 28 mm. They
are used to take pictures with a
large number of subjects or scenic
views. They have a wide depth of
Zoom-This lens has
a range of focal lengths you can use
to move from one type of lens to
another. You can have a wide angle,
normal and telephoto lens all in one
Telephoto-This lens is
used to photograph a distant subject
such as a bird. They bring the
subject closer to you like a
telescope. They can run to over 500
Macro-This lens is
used to photograph near small
objects such as a flower or insect.
They have a very narrow depth of
The focal
length is the distance between the
center part of the lens and its
point of focus on the subject. An
excellent addition to any lens
system is a teleconverter, sometimes
called teleextender. This handy
device fits between the body and the
lens and doubles or triples the
focal length of the lens. For
example a 50 mm lens becomes a 100
mm lens. Its easy to install and
saves a lot of room in the gadget
bag. Read more at:
Gizmag-Lens Guide
* A TTL system
will automatically adjust to the
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