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Below are poems submitted to The Classroom. Some are unknown.  If you know the author so that they can get credit, please Email us.
English Poetry Glossary
Paradox Poem
Think about those confusing modern paradoxes.
A Touch of Humor!
Sometimes we can learn a lot from our furry friends.
Cat Commandments
Rules by which cats live!
Beauty Tips for a Woman
Some very thoughtful ideas for both men and women!
Titmouse Care
Inspiring true story by Nancy Evans
Children Learn What They Live
A poem of understanding on raising children
Attitude  Determines Attitude
Need a little poem to make you feel better? Here it is!
Angels Never Say Hello!
Read this inspiring story of a woman's drive to overcome a handicap
You Know Your Getting Old!
So how do you fit in this "poem?
In The End
A poem of life by Dr. Kent M. Keith used by Mother Teresa
Take Me Out to the Ballgame.
Words of motivation by the Late Reverend Frances West
Things you can Learn from a Dog!
Find out what we can learn from man's Best Friend!
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