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are dealing in a world which politics and political
action or inaction is changing the way we govern,
declare war, live,
work, worship, educate and survive. Having taught
government, history, economics and geography. I will
present my opinion!
Our society, politics,
government and how we relate to the rest of the
world and each other is rapidly evolving. Today in
our divided society and world we are being asked to
choose between governments, parties, organizations,
media outlets and political candidates which are in
many ways are diverse, self serving and bent on
changing our ways of life, thinking and acting.
Instead we should be working on ways to bring us
together by finding common ground and ways of
thinking, and solving the ever growing
problems in government, religion, climate, war and
the rapid growth of authoritarianism. We must find
this common ground else we will find a world that
will be dystopian, hostile and barely livable
environmentally. Those who are using their wealth
and influence to block solution will suffer the same
fate as the rest of us regardless of their power,
position and wealth.