"All mankind... being all equal and
independent, no one ought to harm another in his
life, health, liberty or possessions." John Locke |
My Advice |
1. Always judge a woman by her character not by
her body. |
2. Never reject an opinion just because it is
spoken by a woman. |
3. Respect her for all she says, does or
attempts. |
4. Remember she is the source of life in this
world and that should be protected. |
5. The government should never come
between a woman and her doctor. |
6. A woman should be a great source of
inspiration for her family. |
7. No position in government, education,
business, military or social institution should be
denied because she is a woman. |
8. A woman should always receive equal pay and
position to a man |
9. A woman should never be denied a position of
power in a religious institution just because she is a
woman. |
10. Lately there has been movements to reduce,
reject and limit the hard fought rights for women. All
her right must be protected and expanded. |