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Parental Discipline
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Teaching and Discipline
Dated-How To Maintain Classroom Discipline
Classroom Management for Dummies: Ten Solutions for Misbehavior
Classroom Discipline: Definition & Strategies
Teachers - Conscious Discipline
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The Classroom
Teacher Discipline
TeachersDiscipline: the process by which individual and group order is maintained in a classroom, home or society. Discipline: Through out history discipline has taken many forms. It varied from society to society and time to time. Often it was harsh and and deadly and at other times it was understanding and corrective. In essence it is the process by which individuals and groups maintained order in a classroom, home or society. You as a teacher are responsible for the way the class operates and functions. Never allow a minor situation to grow into a confrontation. No learning can take place if the atmosphere is chaotic and uneasy.
Discipline Main Page
Administration Discipline
Administration Discipline
Methods and Theories
Methods &Theories 
Online Books
Discipline Without Anger: A Parent's Guide to Teaching Children Responsible Behaviour
1-2-3 Parenting with Heart: Three-Step Discipline for a Calm and Godly Household
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting
The Smart Love Parent: The Compassionate Alternative to Discipline
Discipline and Punishment
Online Resources
Wikipedia Behavior analysis of child development
World Capital Punishment Research
Wikipedia Behavior Advisor Natural Child Project
ThoughtCo The Teachers Guide  
1. Make your rules positive and easy to understand.
2. After you post the rules discuss it with them and make sure they understand what is expected.
3. Let them understand you want to be fair and give them a chance to give an explanation.
4. Consistency is vital since it gives the students a guide to understand what is expected.
5. Tailor your punishment to match the child's level of understanding and the severity of the offense.
6. Keep accurate and detailed documentation of any problems.
7. Never ever use physical or psychological force in punishing a student.
8. Humiliation and degradation will cause an escalation of feelings and reactions on all sides.
9. Look for positive actions and reward them whenever possible.
10. Never allow a disruption to escalate into a physical confrontation.
11. Discuss your concerns with the students away from the other students.
12. If misbehavior is constant and disruptive contact the parents, administration and guidance.
13. Never hold a grudge against a student or class over discipline issues.
14. Deescalate your approach to the issues at hand. Never ever approach the issue as a gatcha or confrontation.
15. Remember to tell the students that an ounce of prevention can keep them from an hour of detention or suspension!
Little Known Facts
School Discipline What the Research Tells Us: Myths and Facts
7 Things No One Told You About Discipline |
5 Things to Know about School Discipline - Child Trends
The Surprising Truth About Discipline In Schools - Forbes
School Discipline Explained: Why It Harms Students of Color ...
How school discipline — and student misbehavior - EdSource
What is the Importance of Discipline in School? - Riverside ...