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Using Discipline And Consequences CDC
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Using Proximity to Manage Classroom Discipline and Behavior
What does it mean by Effective School Disciple and Classroom Management Techniques??
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The Classroom
TeachersDiscipline: the process by which individual and group order is maintained in a classroom, home or society. Through out history discipline has taken many forms. It varied from society to society and time to time. Often it was harsh and and deadly and at other times it was understanding and corrective. In essence it is the process by which individuals and groups maintained order in a classroom, home or society. You as a teacher are responsible for the way the class operates and functions. Never allow a minor situation to grow into a confrontation. No learning can take place if the atmosphere is chaotic and uneasy. As a parent you need to be understanding, supportive and yet you must work to correct the inappropriate behavior in a way that is fair, age appropriate and just.
Parental Discipline 
Parental Discipline
Teacher Discipline
Teacher Discipline
Administration Discipline 
Administration Discipline
Methods and Theories 
Methods &Theories 
Online Books
Discipline Without Anger: A Parent's Guide to Teaching Children Responsible Behavior
1-2-3 Parenting with Heart: Three-Step Discipline for a Calm and Godly Household
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting
The Smart Love Parent: The Compassionate Alternative to Discipline
Discipline and Punishment
School Discipline and Self-Discipline: A Practical Guide to ...
School Discipline, Classroom Management, and Student Self Management
With All Due Respect: Keys for Building Effective School Discipline
Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Developing Mutual Respect Cooperation, Responsibility in Your Classroom
Closing the School Discipline Gap: Equitable Remedies for Excessive Exclusion
Reimagining School Discipline for the 21st Century Student: ..
Gentle Discipline: Using Emotional Connection--Not Punishment To Raise Confident Capable Kids
Who's Raising Whom?
Positive Discipline Parenting Tools: The 49 Most Effective Methods to Stop Power Struggles, Build Communications and Raise Empowered Capable Kids.
Action Guide for Effective Discipline in the Home and School
A Common Sense Approach To Discipline: A Condensed Guide for Effective Discipline
 Online Resources
 Positive Discipline and Child Guidance
Parent discipline practices in an international sample: Associations with child behaviors and moderation by perceived normativeness  
Discipline and internalization.  
Discipline and deviance: Physical punishment of children and violence and other crime in adulthood  
Global Initiative to End Corporal Punishment  
Top 10 Ways to Improve Discipline in School/ Classroom 
Top Tips For Maintaining Discipline In The Classroom 
Using Positive Discipline Techniques in the Classroom 
Key Strategies for Reducing Friction Over Student Discipline 
The ripple effect in discipline 
Discipline: Effective School Practices
A Proactive Approach to Discipline
Discipline and deviance: Physical punishment of children and violence and other crime in adulthood 
Corporal punishment in schools - Journal of Adolescent Health
11 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline -
Scholarly articles for school discipline conference
Scholarly articles for school discipline techniques