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Climate Change
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Milankovitch cycles: Natural causes of climate change
Where are we in the Milankovitch Cycles?
5 Minutes Milankovitch Cycles Explanation
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Earth's Orbit and the Solar Systems' Effect on Our Climatic
ClimateClimate Change (Global Warming): is a  process by which the Earths' atmosphere is changing over a period of time. Some of the causes are; to the build up of green house gases, the Earths orbit, variations in solar activity, plate tectonics, volcanoes, deforestation and lastly human activity.
Climate  is
the prevailing weather conditions (winds, temperature, air pressure, humidity, rain, sunshine, and cloudiness) of a region or the earth over a long period of time i.e. decades, centuries and longer periods of time. Weather on the other hand is the condition of a region or Earth over a short period of time such as days or weeks.
Earth's OrbitEarth's orbit can effect our climate since it's path around the sun is elliptical. The further it moves from the sun the colder it gets. The closer it moves towards the sun the warmer it gets. Climate Change (Global Warming): is a  process by which the Earths' atmosphere is changing over a period of time. Some of the causes are; to the build up of green house gases, the Earths orbit, variations in solar activity, plate tectonics, volcanoes, deforestation and lastly human activity.
Directory Climate Change
Statistics Databases
NASA Statistics NOAA Statistics Exoplaneta Data NASA Data
NASA Wikipedia Science for Ohio Weather Questions
NOAA HowStuffWorks Weather Out Reach Weather Street
Wikipedia ThoughtCo Science Course Malankovitch Cycles
Climate Change Paleoclimate Live Science  
Earth's Orbit
Fun Facts: Earth's Orbit
Some facts about Earth and Its Orbit around the Sun, GEOL ...
Planet Earth: Facts About Its Orbit, Atmosphere & Size | Space
Facts about the Earth! | Science | National Geographic Kids
Earth's Orbit and Rotation | Science Lesson For Kids in ...
Facts On Earth's Orbit, Seasons & Cycles - Spaceopedia
10 interesting things about Earth – Climate Change: Vital ...
Overview | Earth – NASA Solar System Exploration
Earth's orbit around the sun -
Solar System
UNISCi Glacial Cycles PBS Teacher
NOAA Physics Forum NASA Apethelion..
Glossary Natural NASA Fact Sheet Way Back Machine Window To the Universe
Milankovitch (Orbital) Cycles and Their Role in Earth's Climate ...
Why Milankovitch (Orbital) Cycles Can't Explain Earth's ...
What Is the Sun's Role in Climate Change? – Climate Change ...
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