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AstronomyAstronomy: The scientific study of the Galaxies, Stars, Nebulae, Solar Systems and the Universe. It deals with a celestial object's relationship to the Earth, size, position, composition, motion, evolution and energy. Astronomers use telescopes, satellites, computers, space stations and observatories to study the universe.
Galactic Astronomy Stars Planetary Science The Universe
Galaxies Stars (Sun) Solar System Universe
Astrobiology Astrometry Astrophysics Glossary
Astrobiology Astrometry Astrophysics Glossary
Earth Science Science Department Resources Careers in Astronomy
Earth Science Science Resources Careers in Astronomy
Online Textbooks
Foundations of Astrophysics Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology
New Astronomy Book Astronomy: The Human Quest for Understanding
Textbook on Spherical Astronomy The Astronomy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Fundamental Astronomy A Text-Book of Astronomy
A History of Astronomy An Introduction to Astronomy: Designed as a Textbook
Online Resources
Astronomy Resources for Students from the HEASARC
Best Astronomy Apps and Websites for Students
Astronomy Essentials for Teachers
Astronomy & Astrophysics Classroom Resources
HEASARC Education & Outreach - NASA
Homeschool Astronomy Resources for K-12 students
Astronomy Education Resources
Classroom Activities & Resources
Resources for Educators American Astronomical Society
Teaching Astronomy and Space | IOPSpark - Institute of Physics
Classroom resources for astronomy European Space Agency
Little Known Facts
1. "The sun is 400 times larger than the moon but is 400 times further away from Earth, making them appear the same size."
2. "Only half a billionth of the energy released by the sun reaches Earth."
3. "Space isn't that far away. In theory, if you could drive your car upwards, you could be there in less than an hour."
4. "An asteroid about the size of a car enters Earth’s atmosphere roughly once a year – but it burns up before it reaches us."
5. "A single day on Venus is longer than an entire year on Earth." Read More at Scoopwhoop
Astronomy Facts You Never Learned in School | Reader's Digest
25 Weirdest Facts About the Solar System | Space
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