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Parent: an individual or
combination of individuals who are responsible for
protecting, educating, disciplining and raising a
The library can be a great place to take your child.
It has all the reference and materials you can use
to advance your child's academic endeavors.
4. Encourage your
child to respect the intellectual atmosphere
of a library by teaching them to talk quietly
and understand that it is not a play area.
5. Help your children and teenagers
select library resources that are
age appropriate
6. Let them see you reading
browsing and checking out materials.
7. Once your child is old enough
to visit the library alone, show an interest
in what they bring home, not as a critic but
as a genuine participant in their
intellectual development.
8. Support your library with
donations and political Support.
9. Get to
know the
they are a
great source
10. Encourage your child to
respect the materials. If they bring home
material, you consider inappropriate,
discuss it with them, often they will not
seek information because they are
or afraid. This is a great teaching moment
for you and your spouse. If materials are
lost, damaged or destroyed discuss their
responsibilities and have them work off any
fines or payments.