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The Classroom

Preschool Advice For Parents
ParentsThe aspect of education that prepares the child for Elementary School.
This form of education is vital to a child's development. Much of what the individual learns has its foundation in this stage of live, 70% of all that he or she will learn begins in this period, their education is vital so make your choices wisely.
Babies are God's Message That There Will Be A Tomorrow
Parental Advice
VeryWell Parenting Preschoolers
Parents 20 Tips for Parents from Preschool Teachers
Family Education-Pre-School Choices
7 Secrets of Raising a Happy Child
Raising an Education-Deaf Child
Public Broadcasting Service General Articles
Tips on Raising Smart Preschool Kids
Daily Science Articles on Raising Preschoolers
Preschool Education information about Preschoolers
Preschool Raising
Online Books 
Library of Congress- Classic Books Such as "A Apple Pie", Aesop's Fables", Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Alice in Wonderland" for you to read to your child 
Positive Discipline for Preschoolers: For Their Early Years-Raising..By Jane Nelsen, Ed. D., Cheryl Erwin, Roslyn Ann Duffy 
Common Sense Parenting of Toddlers and Preschoolers By Bridget a Barnes, Seven M York 
The Mother of All Parenting Books: The Ultimate Guide to Raising a Happy, Healthy Child from Preschool to PreTeens by Ann Douglas  
Preschool Education
Preschool Education
1. Read to them and with them every day. Have books and magazines available. This will instill a love of reading.
2. Encourage a sense of adventure and inquiry through field trips, museums and libraries.
3. Instill a love of animals through films, pets and zoos.
4. Give as gifts toys and games that encourage inquiry and intellectual activity.
Parent Resources
Parent Resources
5. Praise them when they show signs of physical and mental inquiry.
6. When you talk to them physically lower your body to a level that is equal to them. This can be done by kneeling or sitting so you will be on their level.
7. Never bully, physically or mentally abuse them, this will only heighten their anxiety and will teach them success through intimidation.
8. Studies show that 70% of their intellectual growth will occur during this time. You and your spouse are a vital key to their success in life. 
Home Schooling
Home School
9. Ask them about your daily activity with words such as why, how come and what do you think. Making them think and giving them a feeling of worth does wonders to their intellectual activity.
10. Let them know it is ok to fail, failure is a great tool for learning.
Finding the Right Preschool
1. Don't rely on TV, Radio and Social Media advertisement check out the schools near you and ask for recommendations from your family, pediatrician and friends.
2. Decide which is more important a school near your home or place of employment.
Child Care
Child Care
3. Decide which form of school you are seeking. Do you prefer the Montessori Approach, Child-Centered Approach, Family-Centered Approach, Waldorf Approach,  , Home School Approach, Tutorial Approach or a Faith-Based Approach? Sites that give additional advice on forms of Curriculum: Teach, Preschool Professor, Parents, Mental Floss, Coolgurkul, The Classroom Teaching Methods
4. When is the school available in the morning, afternoon or at night or at all hours?
5. What are the qualifications of the teachers, cooks, administration, recreation  staff? Are they certified, trained or qualified for their positions?
6. Visit the school (I recommend  without notice). How do you feel about the school, are they welcoming, supportive of you and your child? Is it clean and safe? Do the students appear happy? How do the adults interact with the children? What is the turnover rate of the staff? Does the school have accreditation and certificates of health from the local health departments?
7. How does the staff handle discipline? Does it match your view of discipline?
8. What forms of payments do they accept and would you qualify for Federal, State or local financial aid?