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Teacher's First Day
The first day of school will set the tone and
patterns for the rest of the year. Below are
tips and advice on how to make that day a
success. Remember first day impressions by you
and the students can and will lead to either a
successful year and a year of frustration.
Put your name on the
board for all to see and explain how
to pronounce your name correctly.
Greet each student with a
smile and a feeling of confidence.
Establish your seating chart
so you can get to know who they are by
Have the students
introduce themselves to you
(interactive activities are a
good way) never make fun of
their names and ask if they have
a nickname they preferred to be
Explain clearly your
expectations, grading system and
procedures in both written and
verbal form and don't make it too
complex and confusing for you
the students and the parents.
Tell them
at the end of the
period that you
look forward
to seeing them
8. Clear with the
administration any activity,
directions or rules you might be
considering to ensure it follows
school, county and state