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The Lydians: History, Religion & Civilization -
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Kingdoms of Anatolia - Maeonia & Lydia - The History Files
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LydiaLydia a western Asia Minor kingdom was located in what is now western Turkey. Scientist estimate that it was founded during the Iron Age and was most noted for the invention of coins and the establishment of permanent stores.  around the 7th century BC. It was conquered by the Persian Empire and later became a Roman province.
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Online Books
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The student's ancient history. The ancient history of the East
Ebbs and Flows of Ancient Imperial Power, 3000 BC?AD 900
Mesopotamian Civilization
Mesopotamian Civilizations
Online Resources
Livius Lydian Empire Online Encyclopedia
Infoplease History for Kids
Academia Wikipedia Lydia Ancient History Encyclopedia
Britannica Wikipedia Anatolia Scholarly Articles
Lydia - Ancient History Encyclopedia
The Ancient Kingdom of Lydia (1200–546 BC) - About History
A look at Lydian warfare - Ancient World Magazine
Lydia - Encyclopedia -
Modern Middle East
Middle East History
Lydia and Phrygia | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kingdom of Lydia - First Coinage - AwesomeStories
Historical Ethnocentrism: The Hyksos in Ancient Egypt
Herodotus on Lydia - Ancient History Encyclopedia
Lydians: The Rise of One of History's Richest Civilizations
A look at Lydian warfare
51 The Kingdom of Lydia - Oxford Academic
Ancient Kingdom of Lydia | History, Facts & Religion
Little Known Facts
Lydia Facts for Kids
Lydia - World History Encyclopedia
Lydia Facts and Details
10 Things to Know About Croesus of Lydia - ThoughtCo
Lydia and Phrygia | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Archaeology and history of Lydia from the early Lydian period ..
Lydia | FactMonster