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New-Teacher Academy: Lesson Planning | Edutopia
New Teacher Academy: Classroom Management | Edutopia
Toolkit: New Teacher Support - Education Resource Strategies
10 Tips for New Teachers
Mentors Matter for New Teachers
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The Classroom

New Teachers
TeachersIf you are going into this profession please bare in mind the following: You must truly love kids and want to do what is best for them. You must have infinite patience and understanding a child's needs. Listen, love and care for what is best for a child. Never allow your emotions and preconceived opinions dictate your actions and reactions. Always be a child advocate, many times you and only you will be the one who can be make a difference in a child's life.
Educational Resources
Teacher's Role
Teacher's Role
Classroom Resources
Methods and Theories
Methods and Theories
Web Resources
Web Resources
Online Books
The New Teacher Book: Finding Purpose, Balance, Hope During your First Year.
The New Teacher's Survival Guide to behavior
The Teacher's Survival Guide: Real Classroom Dilemmas and Practical Solutions.
Mentoring New Teachers
Finding Success the First Year: A Survivor's Guide for New ...
Classroom Advice for New Teachers: A Proactive Approach for ...
How to Interview, Hire, & Retain HighQuality New Teachers
Survival Guide for New Teachers
Online Resources
AFT Advice for New Teachers
Education World Advice for New Teachers
N.P.R-Education New Teacher Advice
Internet4Classrooms Advice and Information
Teacher's First Advice and Information for New Teachers
Education Cyber Playground New Teacher Training: Resources and Practical Advice Certification Requirement and Condtions
New Teachers – News, Research and Analysis
Tips for First Year
1. Find and listen to a mentor.
2. Join a teacher's Union, Association or Federation
3. Be Yourself with the children. They can see through any pretense.
4. Be prepared for the day. Have your lesson well planned and materials ready to use. Always have a plan B ready.
5. Be consistent in your attitudes, lessons, discipline and communications.
6. Expect the unexpected, situations, environments and discipline can change.
7. Avoid the cliques, gossip and disputes that can emerge in the teacher's lounge.
8. Learn the student's name and some information about each. A good seating chart will help immensely.
9. Work with your fellow teachers and try to get off on a good footing with them. They can be your biggest supporters.
10. Communicate with your parents often. Contact them with both positive and negative reports.
11. Student can pick up quickly on your moods, go in each day with a positive can do attitude.
12. Don't always expect support from the parents or those who have custody of the child. Many times a problem with a student is the result of adults that have bad attitudes or don't know how to handle the role they have to play in a student's life.
13. Don't always expect complete or unconditional support from the administration. Many times their goals, opinions and ideas will differ from what you would expect.
Little Known Facts
7 Effective Teaching Strategies For The Classroom - Blog
Pedagogy: What Educators Need to Know [Plus - Top Hat
36 Cutting-Edge Teaching Strategies & Techniques for 2021 ...
31 Surprising Facts About Learning - TeachThought
6 strategies teachers use to help kids who learn and think ...
31 Pedagogical Techniques That Every Teacher Should Have ..
Pedagogy in Education: More Than a Buzzword | Schoology
Pedagogy | Methods, Theories, & Facts | Britannica