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Glossary of War
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The Art of War
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Prisoners of War
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Imperial War Museum
H-War Discussion Network
Institute for War and Peace
US Military Resource Center
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Witness To War
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War Resource Cause and Results
SociologyWar: An armed conflict whose goal is to dominate another nation, kingdom, territory or country.
“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” Ernest Hemingway
Types of War
Biological Chemical War  Conventional War  Cyber Warfare  Guerrilla  Nuclear War  Psychological  Terrorism
Biological  Chemical  Conventional  Cyber  Guerrilla  Nuclear  Psychological  Terrorism
Theatres of Operation
America at War
America at War
Indian Wars
 Native American Wars
Europe at War
 Europe at War
Asian Wars
Asia in War
Latin American Wars
Latin America at War
Australia, New Zealand and Oceania at  
 Australia New Zealand At War
Africa at War 
Africa at War
Online Books and Articles on the Causes of War
Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict
How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything
War its Causes and Correlates
War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa
Causes of War
An Introduction to the Causes of War: Patterns of Interstate .
Causes of War, 3rd Ed
Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict
What Causes War?: An Introduction to Theories of ..
The Causes of Wars and Other Essays
Causes of War: The Struggle for Recognition
Human Nature and the Causes of War
The Five Reasons Wars Happen
War | History, Causes, Types, Meaning, Examples, & Facts
Root causes of violent conflict in developing countries - PMC
The Causes  of War and the Conditions of Peace
War - National Geographic Education
Google Scholarly Articles Cause of  War
What Causes War? ScienceDirect
Six Causes of World War I
Causes of War: A Theory Analysis
The Reasons for Wars – an Updated Survey
Overview - America's Wars, Causes of - Library Guides
War | Definition & Causes - Lesson
Theories and causes of war Jack S. Levy
Prevention of War: A Scoping Review on Primary ..
CIAO: Political and Economic Causes of War
The 8 Main Reasons for War
Understanding Causes of War and Peace - Transparency Lab
The Causes and Consequences of War: A Conversation with Professor Hew Strachan
The Cause, Developments and Results of the War: An Oration ..
Dictators at War and Peace
Online Books and Articles on The Results of Wars
Impact of War on Children and Imperative to End War - NCBI
Mental health consequences of war: a brief review ...
The Long-lasting Economic Shock of War
The Effect of War on Economic Growth
Effects of War on Society
The Mental Health Effects of War: Backed by Science
(PDF) Impact of War on Society
Impact of War on Children and Imperative to End War - PMC
The Impacts of War on Global Health
War Trauma: The Psychological Consequences of War
Google Scholarly Articles Effects of War
The Worth of War
What Every Person Should Know About War
World War II: Background, Aftermath and Impact
Geographical Results of the Great War
Preventing War and Promoting Peace: A Guide for Health ...
The Logical Results of the War
War: Its Conduct and Legal Results
The Logic of Violence in Civil War
Work of Humanity in War: Plan and Results of the Geneva ...
The Environmental Consequences of War: Legal, Economic, and Scientific Perspective
How States Pay for Wars
War and the Health of Nations
Betraying Our Troops: The Destructive Results of Privatizing War
Did Anything Good Come Out of World War I?
The Conflict Helix: Principles and Procedures of ...
Why America Loses Wars: Limited War and US Strategy from the Korean War to The Present..
Providing for the Casualties of War: The American Experience Through World War II..
Wikipedia National Priorities Watson Institute
CSIS Harvard Congressional
Voxedu Military History Brown University
War Facts
100 Interesting War Facts | Fact Republic
Brutal Facts About The Most Devastating Wars In History
War & Weapons | The Fact Site
Total War Facts, Information, Summary & Examples
5 Insanely Creepy Stories of The World Wars
Disturbing facts about war and the environment - Goodall ..
war | History, Causes, Types, Meaning, Examples, & Facts ...
War horse facts | Brooke
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